As a former porn addict it is my experience
that CRISIS IS GOOD, a Grace of God in fact.

Suffering results from Change We Resent. 

Seize the opportunity, Use the Power of  your
Pain to (finally) ACT. Make the most of it by 
being Brave, practice True Speech to discover
& experience Your True (and Better) Self!

Choose the Worthy Fight to 
Unleash the Next Level of You…


15 years OF


Steve has been helping people in relationship and/or career crisis for 15 years. Ha has helped several hundred people, has intimate knowledge of over 1000 stories. To his great surprise he discovered that:

There is no such thing as a relationship or a career crisis – instead these are always just results of our identity crisis.

The root cause of our troubles is always our Relationship with the World, that is based on our view of the world. Our beliefs about what the world is define who we are, what we do with our life.

Solution is Worldview Evolution. Truer Beliefs result in Better Connections – lead to finding the Unique Way I can be useful. 

People who do not feel useful can not have a happy relationship or a fulfilling career… does not matter how much money they make. 

Crisis means that:
(1) I am clinging to beliefs that are obsolete,
(2) I have to move ON, and allow a New Me,
(3) I am ready and fully prepared to do so

Crisis helps us change. Before each step: there must come some imbalance first, to help us allow the change that is timely. Crisisi is not a bug but a feature of our life – a help from God in a sense… 



Steve’s „Map of Life for the Human Journey” is based on his 15+ years of consulting experience helping people cope with crisis – he found the same milestones in hundreds of human stories.

Life really is a game in his view… an infinite one in fact. Out of challenges come experiences, out of experiences learnings that we can capitalise on (and enjoy the benefits of), until the next challenge occurs. Suffering results from our desire for a safe harbour, to settle down, take control, reduce risks, stop changing – suffering results from the illusion (arrogance) that we could control life, that we could quit the game. Secret to happiness is to Play On to reach higher and higher stages!

“I have helped over a thousand people in crisis, and have yet to see an exemption from these milestones.” 

The Ego's


First version of the map (see above) was published in 2015, but it was too much for most people. Thus in 2020 Steve came up with a new visualisation, that is an evolution of The Hero’s Journey.

This simplified version of the map

1. merges the 6 sections of the original map into 3 big stages,

2. shows the mid-life transformation as a great depth where one needs to integrate desires / face „The Shadow of the Soul”,

3. has separate versions for the Man’s Journey, the Woman’s Journey, as well as Worldview and Faith Evolution,

It has proven to be much more accessible / inviting for people to embark on the inner Journey.



Steve’s experience (thus conviction)  is that in our individualistic age it is inevitable for most people to fall into the trap of self-centredness, that is self-love, that is the wrong kind of love – before a person can find Meaning in the Right kind of Love.

He came to the conclusion, that (1) people of our age can not be saved from their desires, but instead (2) one can help them embrace their personal Hell, in order to (3) faster reach the turning pont of the Prodigal Son. Hence latest version of the map.

online courses
3500+ completed
membership community
1500+ joined
15+ working




On midlife crisis, burnout, breakdowndepression, marital calamitiesaddictions transformation (!), that in fact is A) natural occurrence, B) the greatest single opportunity in our life, for not less but MORE happiness, that occurs C) as a result of us resisting changes that we should have allowed and embraced.

In order to fly we first have to fall to pick up speedA New You will rise from the abyss! With Power & Purpose… I promise.



EGOYOGA method

The Human Journey model can and should be used for personal development. Steve & Co. put 9 years of development work into perfecting the Ego Yoga method, that is “The Art of Traversing The Journey”. They identified 12 milestones, that divide the human life experience into a Journey of 12 stages within six sections within three big epochs. They developed Courses and started a Community to help practitioners better understand and faster reach the common milestones to obtain & ensure happiness amid constantly changing circumstances. 



Steve & Co.’s online courses consist of thorough explanations of the stages of the Journey (to better understand the challenge one is facing) and detailed instructions on specific actions (to effect change and thus reach resolution). The courses focus on career as well as relationship challenges, and hundreds of people prove them valuable. The online courses are complemented by IRL workshops to also provide peer support and experience based personal advice.



Regular group meetings for channelling life experiences of the more experienced individuals to the bold new generations have served humanity well for millennia. We strongly believe that having support is prerequisite for the well functioning individual, thus lasting social balance in general. Steve launched a members only community for experience based sharing. Our ONE rule is: „Only comment with your experiences, in your opinions and speculations we are not interested.” We empower people to launch support groups for others in topics they already solved. The Ego Yoga Community nurtures a growing number of Woman’s Circles as well as an evolving Club for Man. Our groups meet in person. 


1000+ videos

The Ego Yoga approach was so new, and questions so many that instead of replying everybody  one by one in writing it seemed easier for Steve to occasionally make 10-20 min. video responses. Facebook Live was new. The first video appeared on Nov 14, 2015 – and more than 1000 have followed since. Much experience has been shared. 



Humania is Marketplace for Life Experiences and The Platform for Building a New You – presented as The Game of Life.

We bring life experiences to market, like Airbnb did beds – with a double twist: (1) we also provide Pokemon GO like game for people to solve challenges by, connecting each other in real life, (2) all this is wrapped into The Human Journey Story (see above) to provide adequate motivation for people to overcome their fears.

Humania is an Evolutionary Game enabling people advance on the Human Journey, find Peers, arrive to Purpose.

Our mission is to fight human disconnection by empowering people to offer their attention and experiences to strangers easily and safely. Our vision is a world where all people help each other with their expereinces by being accessible on clear terms. 

Our Team is experienced, GTM is B2B first, targeting global influencers. We incorporated in Delaware, raised an Angel Round from 8 private individuals, develop from Hungary. We soft launched humania.io as a pilot in early June in our test market. Our users are happy, we have early revenue and are currently in the process of (1) building membership levels for an even more motivating game [Done], (2) launching the English version [Dec, 2024], (3) finding partners for US launch [Dec, 2024], (4) ]raising our Seed Round [Jan, 2025],

We want to serve 1 billion people with our Personal Development Game. We are opening up the enormously big new market of experience based help as an alternative to professional services.



Human isolation is one of the great challenges of our age. Be a part of the solution, help build a connected future – offer your attention to strangers, the world needs your experience!

We think that it is not the people, who are the problem, but the rules of the social games they play. People are lured into “free” games that rewards poses, one sidedness, dishonesty and lies about our life. While their attention is being manipulated and sold to advertisers.

Humania is a better game.

1. Be Accessible! – your experiences & knowledge have instant value to other people who now have similar challenges to what you have already solved, be there for them, it is gratifying to help

2. Empower Mentees! – mentor the mentors who can help many more people than you could on your own, our service is also well suited for individuals with large follwing and apprentices.

3. Make Money! – you can offer your experiences for free, or ask for money. Decide your preferred channel (Zoom or messaging or combined), make mentoring packages, set the price!


our Proof of Concept moved

0 +


to contact each other



I. Life of Contradictions

I was born into the old elites of the dead world of feudalism – grew up in the worst possible neighbourhood of socialist Budapest, with a family maid – have amazing talent to lead and for managing wealth in a time when we were stripped of all wealth to manage – studied history and went to law school, yet dropped out to build my .COM company at age 24 – lived and could have stayed in the US, but could not grow roots there – am from Hungary but resent the provincialism of the local environment – built a market leading eCMS software and later an online favors market that scaled to several countries, yet became an expert in helping people in crisis – developed a personal development method, that most people don’t understand – have a large following who think I am a guru, because they do not really see me – consider myself a social innovator, a term nobody uses – do see the future and was proven right several times, yet find it hard to convince my contemporaries – am now building a truly global platform for connecting people from the fringes of the fringes of the Western World Order, that is Hungary in relationship to the EU to the US. 

II. Personal Mission 

I want to help as many people as possible to (1) better understand the human journey, (2) cope with natural transformation that is happening to all of us mid-life: the Quest for Meaning, (3) empower people to show their real self honestly, and (4) be available for others with their experiences, so that (5) humanity can gradually reconnect, and be One eventually.

III. Message

Depression, burnout, anxiety, relationship crisis, loneliness, addiction, alcohol and porn – I did it all, and they all turned out to be symptoms of the ONE challenge I was not facing:

Who am I?
Who am I really?

A better life awaits.
If only we let go of the old.

Have courage – you CAN do this!



The White Rabbit podcast is new. It only has ONE episode. 

online courses

0 + completed

membership community

0 + joined


0 + working

Steve’s Hungarian channel has over

0 million



occasional newsletter, whenever there is something to say


Steve’s Instagram is in Hungarian.


Steve has been making public videos in his native tong for ten years… before embarking on making English language content, very recently. 

